Satan hides behind the word of God unguided by the Holy Spirit
6 - 2 - Satan is where we least expect him
It was because the perception of the Holy Spirit was as forbidden in the former USSR between 1917 and 1991, that the part of the Orthodox Church that supported the USSR without God, introduced the interpretation of a savior of the world, according to that of this repressive tutor and brought with it the unbaptized society of the Holy Spirit. Almost all of them therefore perceived the Holy Spirit only externally to their own logic, which left room for the teaching that led them into a rut from which they had no right to escape. Today we find there the spiritual defector of Stalin's exterminating actions during the Holodomor, because they replaced the work of Jesus with that of this they promoted as the "Little Father of the Peoples". It is through this satanic spirituality that Vladimir Putin, and much of Russia, today draws their guide to interpreting the word of God. If they speak as in the name of Christ, through the Russian Orthodox Church, it is Stalin's exterminating work that is valued through each of them. Jesus is no longer the savior, the one who fulfills the Jewish law given by God to Moses, until the victory over Satan in obedience to God until death on the Cross, but the one who was born in a stable whose great kings, that were their fathers in the communist faith, produce today his return, precursor of "paradise on earth of the communist ideal".
Talking about Jesus is fine, but if we do not look at Him as the Son of God, as the personal Savior, and Savior of all mankind, then He is reduced to the dimension of an ordinary man or prophet, in order to mask the divine purpose that God placed in Him. It is then impossible to be endowed with the Holy Spirit in the "heart", and even less to be able to receive the rewriting of our emotional system identical to his, which corresponds to the goal pursued by Satan, through the Hostage-taking of the Russian Orthodox Church.
All the functionalities available to our genetics, not being properly ensured without the "Person" of the Holy Spirit, invariably lead everyone under the spiritual tutelage of the one who became Satan, the liar, since he can only remain endowed with his only initial logic. No one, among them, perceives the influence of the Holy Spirit, without being forced to remain silent, so that all remain with analyses worthy of homo sapiens before Adam and Eve.
It is because we minimize the perceptions of the Holy Spirit, in favor of our intellect, that we believe ourselves superior to others, as they imagine despite everything that could prove them wrong. We then give our teaching all the human common sense to know how to flush out the evil of our societies, whereas it is through the attachment of our parents to God in Jesus Christ that Western societies were built in a democratic way, and which we inherited. This seems all the more obvious to me personally, since this is precisely what I experienced in Ukraine in 1981, of which I can become fully aware today, as I said in the second chapter, in paragraph two.
We believe ourselves superior to Satan, in what the Holy Spirit has brought us, because, according to the various religious consensuses around the world, he was demonized so that everyone would be willing to protect himself from him and no one would agree with him. We then find the hobbyhorse in sexuality, capitalism, communism, where others are proud not to be afraid of it and use it as a scarecrow with sparrows. We do not become aware of his deceptions, as it was for Adam and Eve, since it is by the logic on which he was placed as spiritual tutor, under which we are all born and most die, that traps us in presumptions of superiority over him. We boast gloriously, where God would like to bring us the balance and humility of Jesus. We must not forget that even projected on earth, as we may believe is the case today in Vladimir Putin, Satan is still tutor on this logic, even if only for a short time. Through this demonization we mask in our eyes his true nature, which no longer allows us to recognize in us his incitements towards his way of acting, in order to refuse them until we can leave his tutelage. If we do not have to humiliate him, Jesus did not do it himself, we do not have to accept to leave him an iota of the rights he claims, whether geographically for Ukraine or on a part of ourselves, or even our democracies.
If we do not therefore act with full confidence in Christ, we silence the balance which the Holy Spirit would bring to us, and give reason to our fears to seek him where he is not, by confusing what we consider the madness of a man placed in the vocation of this repressive angel, and the demons over which he reigns whose bestiality is manifested by drunkards of the kind of Dmitri Medvedev. It is because we have confused Satan with the demons over which he reigns, that we forget his true function of keeping us on the respect of our genetics. If the balance of this respect is very precarious, the fact of being covered by the work of Jesus on the Cross, avoids us the repressive system of this fallen angel when we adopt rules contrary to our genetics, and leaves us the time to become collectively aware of the pitfalls that they would ultimately constitute, so that we can turn away from it. Some demons, who would have rights over us outside this cover by Jesus, then seem harmless to us, while they are most perverse, while others are too bloodthirsty and barbaric in the eyes of this lying tutor in the person of Vladimir Putin, so that they can justify the image of the Savior of Ukraine that he wants to give himself and that he is most certainly convinced to be. If this is so, it is because he is probably himself trapped in his sincerity of little mobster and small low-level spy, with a great function. His professional origins having taught him to master his emotional quotient better than many on earth, gives him the impression of being able to dominate any human, starting with the people of which he has become the dictator and idol, and that it leads today to physical and eternal perdition.
If Satan was judged in the time of Adam and Eve, and defeated at the Cross, he will soon be bound for a thousand years, before being untied for a short time, and then finally eliminated from the process undertaken by God, to bring to the human the ability to self-manage his conscience. The day is coming when he himself will have been defeated, as soon as one or more humans, born under his tutelage, have been rewritten in their entirety in the divine nature, by Jesus in heaven. It is in this that in Revelation 12 it is said that he is trying to pursue the "woman" (the church) through democracies and for lack of reach it, he has now turned against Ukraine. In this he tries to prevent the reconstruction of the Temple of the Holy Spirit from being accomplished in its entirety in the human, like the totality of Jesus' emotional system on earth, which will then produce his ousting for a thousand years, even if some traditions born of his repressive presence will remain to be eliminated during this period.
It is obviously the real victory of the human being renewed by Jesus in heaven, which will then mark this turning point, and this is what we must expect with hope. We must, however, remain vigilant today to accept that we will see a similar situation at a later date, without acting as we tended to do too quickly after the Second World War, for an even more refined spiritual dimension of his satanic nature will come into play later before the whole of his nature, rebellious to God, is entirely eliminated from the earth. This will be so at the end of God's seventh day, when Satan will have been released for a very short time, in order to take with him everything that was pertaining to the animal world, according to Revelation 20-3, but considering that a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day, no one really knows when it will happen. If many refuse today to see in Vladimir Putin the antichrist announced, for lack of fulfillment of the multiple facts accompanying him, such as the reconstruction of the temple of stones on Jerusalem, it is because they are waiting for what will probably be at the end of the seventh day of God, while we are only at the end of the sixth day.
This is also why, if we only sought to get rid of Vladimir Putin, to be able to finally say that we were free to do what we think was good before God, it would once again be the trap, since real freedom can be discovered only in Christ, in the divine NATURE to which we must aspire and not by trying to protect ourselves from man. to defend us from his repressive spirituality. At the risk of repeating ourselves, we must not lose sight of the fact that our entire will must be to do the divine will, even if we are only called to discover it, for lack of knowing it ourselves in its entirety.
Our only reason for hope today must therefore be that no one who has recognized in Jesus Christ, its Savior and Lord, allows himself to be dragged by Satan into spiritual death, and that he can maintain this faith until his physical death on this earth. This is what will have happened to everyone since the Crucifixion of Jesus and until Satan has been defeated, after being thrown onto earth in the real dimension and in the times that God knows.
Since crucifixion, each of this person will have been divinely lifted up to meet his Savior in heaven and no one will have been set aside. This is what Jesus promised to the robber who was at his side at the Cross, and so it will have been for everyone found in Jesus Christ in all generations for the whole Church sincerely attached to Christ, before she took the name of Wife. If she will have become the Wife and no longer simply the Church, it is because she will have already received a part of the emotional nature of Christ, if only through the baptism of the Holy Spirit that many will have received without having really realized it, as is the case when he is received in the childhood.
The only last who will remain divinely maintained in their mode of functioning by domination of their emotional system, will be to save all those who will convert to Christ in the last moments and to bring them the teaching still necessary by domination. If they will not already be in the dimension of the search for the rewriting of their old programming of feelings, as we have seen, two cases will then present to them. They will either be part of the multitude who will have entered into improvement towards divine Love on this earth and will no longer bear the name of church, but of Wife, or they will have experienced physical death and will have been removed to meet their Lord in heaven, without seeing spiritual death, as has been the case with any other before them since the Crucifixion.
This is what we should rejoice in, for certain currents of thought today envisage a "miraculous rapture of the last-hour Church", which would be in disdain, towards the dread of those left on earth, called as for them to end in the flames of the hell on earth, with Satan.
This interpretation comes more from an imagination, at the very least very carnal, rather than from a revelation of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ, because Jesus is not likely to rejoice in those drawn into Satan's world, whether or not they have remained on earth.
At the Cross, Jesus did not rejoice in the misfortune of those who crucified him, because clothed with the Holy Spirit and dying for us on this Cross, he said, "Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing". Jesus cannot rejoice in the misfortune of those who are lost, for how could He have given His life on the Cross for any sinner who repents in this state of mind? He who indulges in the imagination of such behaviors has everything he needs to realize his ambivalence, to claim to belong to Jesus and to manifest the opposite attitudes. These ambivalences are all warning signals, of which the one who is called to a mode of functioning out of love, must want to become aware, and go so far as to allow Jesus to rewrite the programming in his brain. It is no different for the sanctification of the one who is still called today in the church, because even if he is only called to correct his original nature, through his emotional quotient, it does not mean that he has to allow himself to give reason to it, in bad attitudes of heart.
Holiness does not begin with the rewriting of the feelings, then of the spirit as we saw in chapters four and five, but in the part that we ourselves must want to do towards God, using what remains of our old logic in a good way, in repentance of such individual errors. Without this desire to repent of every dead work in us, we are only siding with God, as if He will make us victorious no matter what we do. The human imagination easily leads to consider oneself the vigilantes of God, without realizing that this was already the case with Judas Iscariot, who sold Jesus for twenty pieces of silver, not having come with a desire for sanctification for himself, but to become victorious over the Romans who then dominated Israel.
Every new convert is today faced with the risk of being all the more easily dragged into such excesses, as times are shortening day by day, and that Satan will use them until the last second to trap if it were possible even the elect, of which these Christians of the last hour are themselves already part, in the same way as those who will turn to Christ tomorrow and whom God knows.
The one on the other hand, who will have come to Jesus with evil intentions, will be able to claim on earth to belong to him, it does not mean that Jesus will recognize it and it is so for each of us. It is in this kind of trap that many humans around the world will be dragged, who will have only sided with Jesus, to receive his benefits on earth, because this is what Satan will try to do on as many people as possible through all forms of fundamentalism claiming the greatness to come.
The frequently formulated interpretation of the abduction of the church with a disdainful look towards those remaining on earth, lamenting their sad fate, is a macabre, not to say demonic, scenario that stems from a confusion between "the Church", considered as the whole of "churches" and not "the Church" constituted of the church and society through democracies. While some may have been sincere, despite their mistakes, many others will have made Jesus only a miracle cure and not their personal Savior and Lord, eager to receive His Holy Spirit to better serve Him.
Like the Hebrew people, who were not only the ones settled east or west of the Jordan, but both, the Church of Christ is made up of the seven Churches described in Revelation, each of which consists of the church and the society that remains attached to it, even if it is deported from it. If this part of the Church is itself as "deported from the Church" to society, it is so as not to throw too flagrant a discredit on the indispensable bases for the spirituality brought in the name of God by the Church herself. If a building needs a solid foundation resting on the rock, it also has a part of life overlooking the world. The same is true of the "Church", whose church is called to perfect respect of the rock of the word of God, to serve as foundations for the society functioning by "love", which constitutes the successful conclusion to which God wishes to lead the whole of humanity.
The Church's misunderstanding is due to its specificities, which she makes an indispensable generality to access divine Love, what it is one hundred percent-right for itself. On the other hand, it is in this that it risks giving reason to Satan when he is projected on earth, because it then enters into the condemnation of those who do not function according to its mode of functioning, although that of the society is just as indispensable as its own, in a complementarity between humans working towards the same vocation. Just as in an orchestra not all produce the same sound, although they play the same melody, the church considers easily that the only Christians are the instruments that produce the same sound as her, and throws others into eternal fire.
This is obviously very serious for her, but not too much if she considers that she will discover this divine Love only in heaven, because it will remain one hundred percent true for her, although this comportment masks from the eyes of the whole of the society their own vocation in Christ on this earth. There is worse, however, because she risks imposing her still egocentric love with a more or less collective version by adding her descendants, and this is where we find the trap in which Satan will try to drag her, since it is the trap in which he himself will fall, as it is written in Revelation 12-17. It is in this that the recrudescence of fundamentalism for several decades tends to confirm the times in which we are, since like all fundamentalism, they lead to a progression that consists in adopting as divine justice, the mode of operation reserved for Satan and not towards a progression leading eventually towards divine Love and respect for everyone.
The divine objective in Jesus Christ is to make humanity similar to Him already on this earth, and we must not give reason to erroneous goals of His vocation, if we want to work for the real divine purpose.
These are interpretations of the kind of the miraculous removing of the church, which masks both the true miracle through which every Christian has passed from the Crucifixion of Jesus until his return among us, as well as the real final vocation of Jesus to endow every human on earth with his divine nature. The real investment in holiness, offered by God in Jesus Christ on this earth, to the one who humbly works to become a little child again, is then replaced by conspiracy, survivalism, and also contributes to the disrespect of the planet.
The one who believes in God's will to endow mankind with its divine, and no longer animal, nature already on this earth, takes care of it, while those who consider that it is Satan's world that will perish there, do not care that the earth is destroyed, since they believe that they will be with God in heaven. If the end of the world is the end of which Satan will be ousted, it is on the contrary the one who will have remained on earth, attached to Christ, or whom God will know as being able to become one, who will remain at his side on this earth, and this is the proof that Satan is the instigator of such nonsense, since he himself will no longer be invited.
It is because we do not see this complementarity to which the Lord God has been working in Jesus Christ since the creation of homo sapiens, that the most vindictive lead the weakest into the presumption of these misinterpretations. They are then all the more convinced that the divine objective goes in this direction, that a large number of prophecies were brought in the name of God in a global interpretation concerning "the Church", when it was only for "the church". If it is not for us to say that they were false, it is up to us to lift the veil on their misinterpretation. If they could indeed be true, it is because some perhaps needed to be encouraged to remain in the mode of functioning by domination that was theirs in the church, and in which they would remain as was the case of Moses, before the crossing of the Jordan. The change in operating mode would not have been advantageous for him; and those who are in the same calling as him have nothing to fear. The one whose call is however to leave this mode of operation, to enter in the mode by "love", will be in disobedience to God if he perseveres beyond what God asks of him, for fear that he will have given reason to wrong teachings, rather than to the Holy Spirit. It is in this that we must be vigilant to seek the divine presence of the Holy Spirit, each for himself and not to blindly give reason to fanatical remarks, as denounced by Primo Levi that we have read in the second chapter. This does not mean that those who have disobeyed in this sense will not see salvation, but many of us will experience torments that we could avoid ourselves, because obedience it is better than the sacrifice of repentance, that is, today, the repent in Jesus Christ. Obedience for oneself is not obtained by any other way than that of the Holy Spirit and it is to Him that everyone must learn to trust, more than to the charismatic human having skillfully learned his lesson.
It is also in this that individual faith can be different from collective faith, because we are not all called to live the same thing, but the better for us before God. The stage of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is therefore most important to establish its faith, because it is then that it is easiest for the adult to differentiate between its previous perceptions and the new ones, which then make it possible to differentiate the guide of the Holy Spirit, from other perceptions related to the entire emotional system. If all emotion is felt mainly at the level of the heart, the same is true of unhealthy desires and that is why this differentiation is individual and it is in this that the "church" is primordial and will undoubtedly remain so in its new vocation as the Wife of Christ.