The Dove of Peace represents the Holy Spirit who is the only capable to bring the crown of laurels to any man who wishes to follow God through the Sacrifice of the Cross. The condition remains to follow it in the same way that Hebrews had to follow the Column of Smoke the day, and that of Fire the night, in order to call us into question from our carnal dimensions to which we so easily give reason rather than to the Holy Spirit of God. We act in good faith, that we are Christian or not, because we react more easily to the precepts born from our collective memories, than with those born from the Word and the Spirit of God in Jesus-
The sun of Peace and Truth cannot be obtained differently than to the Cross. The rivalries that are used by us to justify our dead works must all come to the Cross of Jesus if we want that the Kingdom of God advances on this earth. It is by condemning the other men and even our brothers that we close ourselves the Door of the Kingdom of heaven, because Jesus gained a victory at the Cross so that whoever believes in Him, does not perish but that it has the Eternal Life.
France, located between the fundamental values of the United States and the ex USSR, represents humanly a social balance. This has been create over the centuries by men who sometimes sought God's will, but sometimes were anti-
The United States, born mostly from English or Irish traditions and customs, progressed to the torch and grandeur that represent the English lords, for the common man. Their needs for regrouping to ensure a balance of survival in front of the powerful European states of the time brought them, often with the assistance of God, to becoming the first economic world power. In this euphoria of “youth” to which all seems to succeed for always, one unfortunately finds there the human presumptions to which it is so easy to give reason, even if God requests humility at his children. Which is the person who calls herself into question in the easiness? God then grants a time before asking for, that the tree bears good fruits. We hope nobody with the slightest bit of common sense; will come in judgment against the United States because of their carnal collective memory!
More the self-
The cock, as a French emblematic animal, goes back to the fall of the Roman Empire and have one's origin in the word “Gallus”, which meant as well “cock” as “Gaul”. It represents well our stupid character of revolutionist who, by his cock-
Like the kings among the nations, the United States unfortunately too often give reason to their excess of abundance. They become then on the earth, towards the other nations, the image of Louis XVI who preferred rather to hatch a coalition against his own people than to abandon certain feudal privileges. This one was all the more reprehensible as it had the English example that he fought, just like today the United States prefer to preserve a first place to the detriment of some of their the own compatriots, although they have the French social example. On account of an example certainly rather bad, they prefer to do worse, as if God led them to this selfishness. The image of God that they use to justify their error is that God gives the first rank to those whom follow Him.
To want to banish God of any human spirit, author according to Karl Marx of any human misery, they put all in place of small gods, in the human narrow-
A danger crowns all the nations, and France in particular, the one to give reason to the Antichrist who comes on the world.
Our social “balance”, is a quite poor example of what God wants to establish for the management of our earth when His children in Jesus-
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