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From logic under tutelage, to manage instinct, to divine logic, to manage consciousness.

1 – The two spiritual logics

At the risk of repeating ourselves somewhat in this chapter, it seems important to us to begin by familiarizing ourselves with what this presentation can bring in complementarity to the teaching of many churches, about the Holy Spirit offered by grace in Jesus Christ.

For this purpose, we will be led to use expressions of non-spiritual origin, which we will try to simplify as much as possible. In this we use here the common name "logic", more used in everyday language than the word software, even if it would perhaps be better appropriate to the description of certain functionalities of our brain, which mask in our eyes the impact of these "logics" and leads us to a spiritual interpretation often incomplete.

The sense in which the word logic is used here, does not represent a simple ideology that we can make coherent at will, as something "logical", because it is used in the sense of a concept that produces a resulting action, relative to a given context and that echoes the type of language used for its own construction.

If there is one "tool" that computer scientists are familiar with, it is the design languages of any form of "logic", because they are decisive in producing the desired result.

The two logics we are going to talk about are for the first, the one that the "heart" of homo sapiens was endowed with from its implantation on this earth by God, while the second "logic" is that of divine nature of the Holy Spirit, also received in the "heart" in replacement of the first. These two logics have the same vocation to keep the human as much as possible on the respect of his genetic vocation, but given that the first was not very precise, because of the animal world to which it was addressed, God adds to it a tutelage of repressive refocusing. As for the second "logic", on the other hand, it is much more than a simple logic, since it is the Person of the Holy Spirit. It is proposed to those who wish to advance fully with the help of Christ, in voluntary respect for their own genetic vocation, that is, in respect for the Word of God through the biblical texts.

If one or the other of these logics is implanted in the heart of the human embryo, it first provides it with the cardiac functionalities essential to its survival, before initializing in it a personalized emotional system from the fetal state, whose programming is done towards the period of birth. The personalization of logic in the brain is therefore representative, both of the genetics of the person and consistent with the nature of the global logic that initialized it. However, the latter remains perceived from the "heart", and continues to be an integral part of the emotional system of the person concerned, throughout his life. This person is thus emotionally influenced from his heart, towards the selection of the appropriate action programming in relation to any situation encountered. This is how Jesus, having been initialized in the divine logic and not in the animal logic with tutelage, was able to fulfill the divine law until he died on the Cross in obedience to God our Father, our Creator. This is what makes Him the "Son of God," for His emotional system had been entirely designed from the divine logic of the Holy Spirit. That is why, having fulfilled the Law from this divine logic, he can since then endow the "heart" of any person who asks him to do so, with the aim of following him in complete personal integrity.

Every human, other than Jesus, was and remains initialized by the egocentric animal logic from homo sapiens and even when Jesus endows the Holy Spirit, the "heart" of this person, he remains confronted with the use of data programmed under the old logic in his brain. If everyone wants to obtain an action of divine appearance, he is thus called in everyday life, to use his EQ (emotional quotient) to dominate his emotions and correct the programming in place in his brain, which are essential to the implementation of any form of action, even language. If the result obtained can thus become an almost perfect equivalence to the divine nature in certain circumstances, it is not produced by an emotional system identical to that of Jesus, while his promise is to make us like Him.

If he wishes, everyone can quickly obtain an equivalence of action more or less just and more or less successful, from the image of Jesus, which he received through the learning of childhood, accentuated by the influence of the Holy Spirit in his "heart".

If this first step is fundamentally important, it is nevertheless the programming accomplished in our brain by the initial logic of a carnal nature, which our Creator wants to rewrite in the divine nature.  He no longer only wants to educate the old logic, as in Old Testament times, any more than let the Holy Spirit correct the old individual programming, through a better use of the emotional quotient, while this programming is devoid of divine Love.

If the first step, called the baptism of the Holy Spirit, remains indispensable, it is only a step and not an end before God. This is also why, after baptizing us with the Holy Spirit, Jesus does not ask us for the impossible, but that we learn to trust Him to let us lead us daily in the various stages that He places before us. Jesus acts so that one day we will give Him the voluntary opportunity to reprogram our brains. Time and perseverance, to achieve the right result, will certainly not be the same, if we simply adapt our old logic to his word, in the presumption of knowing, or if we go so far as to open to Jesus the rights to this rewriting, becoming again like little children. The result will also not be of the same Nature, but like the taking of Canaan for the Hebrews, it will be much longer than a simple adaptation. The brain of the person will then no longer be forced to produce a more or less just equivalence to that of the Holy Spirit in the "heart", to produce the corresponding action and this is the interest of trusting totally in Christ, who has fulfilled the Divine Law to free us from our initial logic and his repressive guardian.

Spirituality is not a religious question, because it is it that builds everyone. That is why it is fundamental to look at our initial logic under tutelage at its true spiritual value, even if this spirituality is of a nature inferior to that of the Holy Spirit.  

He who refuses to look at the spirituality of his carnal logic is led to struggle against his own flesh, his own emotional system that he calls "me". He therefore tries to use violence to overcome as best he can, the incitement of his fears or covetousness, programmed in the language of his old logic, even if he does not know how to discern it. Unbeknownst to him, his brain then becomes accustomed to a somewhat stereotypical correction, which gives him an impression of freedom to practice what he believes to be the word of God, even if sometimes this stereotype leads him to fight the divine will, for lack of discernment.

If, on the contrary, this person looks at this carnal logic, as a bad spirituality, for which he nevertheless remains responsible for the good use, he can at first learn to dominate what it has built in him, so as not to open the repressive rights to the guardian placed on this logic.

In a second step, which God knows how to bring into the life of the one who is covered by the work of Christ, this person can then lead the good fight of faith against the programming of this ancient logic in his brain. She will then be led to act solely out of love, without dominating the old programming, which will lead her to have to repent of her confusions between her love and that of God, to the point of identifying with the help of the Holy Spirit in her "heart", where she is trapped to give reason to the old logic. In an awareness of the trap in which she systematically fell, she will be able to call on Christ to rewrite this programming before producing the error, while she is faced with the temptation to sin.  It is these programmed elements that open up repressive rights to this guardian, who spiritually defrauds humanity since Adam and Eve.

The proper use of the Holy Spirit is indeed contrary to the proper use of logic under tutelage, when the elements transcribing emotion into action in the brain are rewritten into the divine nature. To be able to take this step, this difference therefore requires learning not to use our emotional quotient, guided by our intellect, to correct what the Holy Spirit himself has then rewritten in the brain. The emotional quotient remains however useful to the person, to vary the only intensity of the action according to the circumstances, but only in a register of which the divine Peace is the engine, and from which the fears have disappeared. This is why Jesus says "I leave you my Peace" because this Peace surpasses all understanding.

Many people confuse Christian ideology with God's work. An ideology emerges from a philosophy to which everyone adheres in the same way, to obtain a comparable result, by dominating their emotional system. In contrast, the work of God in Jesus Christ is there to bring to the human being a spirituality of divine Nature, so that he can act out of Love of his neighbor, while remaining in total respect for the divine Law.

Since Adam and Eve, we are in a shift from one logic to another and each step brings a new unknown not perceived until then.

It is therefore these different stages that divide those most eager to accomplish the divine will, because each time they raise their share of unknowns, as was the death of Jesus on the Cross, which opened the door to the New Testament and the incomprehension of the greatest number.

The same is true in everyone's life, for we are born in the spiritual image of Adam and Eve and must aspire to a spiritual reconstruction in the image of Christ. In this we must remain confident in God's purposes, so that we can work individually and collectively for what Jesus is preparing, for we are not yet today at the end of the seventh day, but only at the dawn of this new day.

The goal of Jehovah God in Jesus Christ is to constitute on earth a kingdom of "priests" each of whom will be endowed with the Holy Spirit from the moment of his procreation, which will make his emotional system identical to that of Jesus when he was still on earth.

If this goal is not new, the step that humanity has just taken, through the Second World War and the restoration of Israel, has opened the door to obedience to God, no longer by domination of our ancient emotional system, but by love, in order to receive His Love instead of the ancient programming in our brain.

Everyone is therefore concerned by an individual progression identical to that experienced through the Old and then the New Testament. While some of those who populate our democracies today are called to go through all the stages of this spiritual progression over the duration of their lives, others are used to help the weakest to climb the degrees that concern them. This is the main conflictual subject of our democracies, because according to its genetic vocation and the influence of its environment during its intrauterine life, each is used by our Creator as the link in this wonderful chain, which leads humanity to its definitive vocation.

That is why now that we have highlighted the work to be done to achieve the divine goal, we will be able to resume from the early beginnings of this humanity, to which we all belong.

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