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1 - From one hostage situation to another 2 – 1 The word of God without the Holy Spirit as a guide

Ukraine is today in God's favor, because despite the millions that Stalin exterminated by the starvation during the Holodomor, in the name of a system without God, it did not bend the knee and remained attached to Jesus Christ its Savior, where the former Soviet Union idolized the one it called the Little Father of the Peoples. Like the tsars, who were themselves called so, through the idolatry of the perfect image of God granted to them by the Russian Orthodox Church, this exterminator today spiritually takes the place of Jesus.

It is in this way that the Holy Spirit is leading Ukraine today towards the Judeo-Christian democracies, in light blue on the map. Russia, whose mode of operation has regressed to that dictated by Satan, to a return to the homo sapiens before Adam and Eve, is turning against what it considers to be the remnants of its descendants, through Ukraine, according to Revelation 12-17.



We call Judeo/Christian democracies what Jesus called the Church, through the writings of the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation. That is why we do not know how to see, nor what times we are in, nor how these millions of Ukrainians, exterminated to serve Stalin's Godless ideal, place Ukraine and the Christian West under the gaze of God.

As in the time of Adam and Eve, the fallen angel, who had been placed by God as a spiritual guardian over the animal instinct of homo sapiens, is trying, through Vladimir Putin, to make us manage our conscience, through the repressive system that he calls "new world order", even though for 6000 years, it has been condemned by God to disappear. Its purpose is to destroy the Western collective consciousness set up by Jesus in our democracies, at the place where God now wants to lead everyone towards the discovery of the Love of DIVINE NATURE of the Holy Spirit, to which Satan does not have access.

The resulting necessary reversal of the use of the individual and societal emotional system is therefore at the root of all current conflicts and fundamentalisms throughout the world. If, until the restoration of Israel, God used societal/religious consensuses at best managed egocentric love of animal origin, he wants it to be the reconstruction of the Temple of the Holy Spirit in humans, identical to Jesus when he was still on earth, which brings a true collective according to God to the world of tomorrow.

This individual fulfillment, by Jesus in heaven, on the human initially born under the repressive tutelage of the fallen angel, will have the effect of binding Satan for a thousand years, and of opening the reign of Jesus on earth and in heaven, bringing to Israel the Deliverer hoped since millennia.

This is what the Antichrist seeks to avoid through Vladimir Putin and his acolytes, who, unable to reach directly the democracies, covered by the work of Jesus on the Cross, has turned against the rest of his descendants, according to Revelation 12, which he considers to be Ukraine.

All the weapons in the world are therefore useful to save Ukraine, but unavailing, if we do not spiritually fight the good fight against Satan, who has already replaced Jesus with Stalin in the Russian collective consciousness, so that his old world will endure.

The war to be waged to save Russia and Ukraine, from the clutches of Vladimir Putin, will then perhaps see Russia in the European Union, which Tsar Alexander I holo80en autre fenêtre envisioned in 1815, through a peaceful European community, with a Christian reference.

First chapter Haut 2 – 2 The paradise of human misery   2 – 3 The Dawn of the Seventh Day of God 3 - The two spiritual “logics” 4 - 1 The domination of the emotional system and not that of the human 4 - 2 The differences in functionality between conscience and instinct 4 - 3 The Holy Spirit brings a true comparative value with conscience 5 - 1 From similarity to freedom in complementarity 5 - 2 Perfect fellowship with the Holy Spirit is the only key 5 – 3 Valorization of individual and collective specificities 5 – 4 The separation of church and state 6 - 1 Where the Holy Spirit generated democracy, he himself will lead it 6 - 2 Satan is where we least expect him 6 – 3 – The differentiation of the emotions of the Small Brain of the Heart  7 - 1 The difference between the iron of Jesus and the steel of Stalin 7 – 2 The evolution of the emotional system of tomorrow 7 – 3 Gratitude between humans, instead of reciprocal misunderstanding 8 – A tree is recognized by its fruit 2 - No! They didn't die in vain 4 - The functioning mode through the domination of one's emotional system 5 - The functioning mode by love in democracies 6 - Satan hides behind the word of God unguided by the Holy Spirit 7 - The Iron Rod by Love Your previous page Symbolism of the cover Cover Summary
Others translations of this page
9 - Evolutions of the human emotional system 1 – 1 Our present and to come Christian spirituality 1 - 2 The Russian Orthodox Church taken hostage 9 – 1 Its conception  9 – 2 From where do we come? 9 – 3 Where are we of it? 9 – 4 Where do we go? Introduction: Open letter to Christian churches