The functioning mode through the domination of one's emotional system
4 - 2 - The differences in functionality between conscience and instinct
It was after God began to reveal himself to humans, both through supernatural situations in his eyes, and through what he was advancing in the awareness of his behavioral errors, in relation to the vocation placed by God in his genetics, that He held him responsible for not remaining faithful to his precepts.
Access to the conscience, is not nevertheless the learning to become "aware" of an attitude or behavior to adopt, but the openness to a comparative perception, between genetic data, within which conscience appears, and emotional analyses that we call "examination of conscience".
It is important to differentiate between genetics and the emotional system, because if it is not up to us to affirm the origin, genetic or divine, of the logics to which we allude since the beginning of these writings, it is their involvement in relation to the Holy Spirit, which defines the differences between the homo sapiens of yesterday, the human of today and that of tomorrow.
The biblical writings relate us only very succinctly the millennia preceding the opening to this "conscience", during which the man of yesterday existed only under the name of homo sapiens, in his strictly carnal nature, not to use the offensive term animal. This term would certainly not be completely wrong, but not the most accurate either, because although of animal nature, homo sapiens was already in a dimension in which no animal today would really be comparable to it.
In many parts of the world, six thousand years ago, the one we call "homo sapiens", to differentiate it from us, was already intellectually capable of building tools, weapons, as well as sites of life structured and governed by highly hierarchical societies. The congeners of Adam and Eve practiced breeding and growing plants in many parts of the world. Many peoples had already begun to extract certain metals such as copper and had long since passed the stage of hunter-gatherer of the Neolithic. At that time, homo sapiens was much more advanced intellectually and psychologically than any animal can be today and much less different from humans of today, than we imagine. It certainly remained in structures of societies and conflicts that may seem basic today, but its difference was only the divine perception, at which we do not necessarily give reason.
Neanderthals, who had himself passed the hunter-gatherer stage, had already disappeared for about twenty-five thousand years, in the period of Adam and Eve and homo sapiens, which was partly contemporary to him, had existed on earth for at least sixty-five to seventy thousand years, according to the least optimistic paleoanthropologists. The most optimistic of them place the presence of homo sapiens at about two hundred thousand years before this period, or even three hundred thousand today.
During all this time, about sixty-five thousand years at least, this homo sapiens had thus remained very usefully channeled through his instincts alone, which the spiritual logic of animal nature was able to bring him and whose repressive spiritual tutelage was ensured by Lucifer.
Just as conscience is not what we can learn to become aware of, instincts are not the only "instinctive" reactions. They are what leads the person concerned to an action, whether instinctive or thoughtful, without it being possible for him to perceive the direct comparison with his genetics. Whether in anticipation of the act, or retrospectively, only his learning thus directed his emotional quotient towards another evolutionary choice of action, or brought him complementary learning for a subsequent act, assimilated by him as similar.
Everyone knows today that God has placed in the genetics of each living being, an innate behavior, specific to his race, comparable to "his good, and his evil", which is called instincts. This innate behavior is repetitive almost infinitely, which makes it possible to find today races with identical characteristics for several million years, always managed by the same initial instincts.
In addition to these often-basic races, we find races always provided with basic instincts, but to which is added a mental structure allowing a more or less correct respect for the rules learned, allowing them a greater adaptability to different contexts of life.
It is in this type of animal category that homo sapiens was introduced to earth by our Creator, with a cerebral structure capable of receiving a logic on the values of which an individualized emotional system can be created. The personalized duplication of this logic, according to the genetics of the subject, provide him then a capacity for action and reaction in accordance with this logic, making him able to use his own genetics, to adapt his means of survival to his multiple contexts of life.
We find quite similar structures in domesticable animals, but although endowed with certain comparative abilities more than others, they remain limited in their analyses, which require on them training, sometimes soft, sometimes rougher, as man knows how to use them. We could say that they have a beginning of ability to correct their instincts, without being able to derogate from the conformity of their genetics, contrary to the synthesis that the human of yesterday and today can make, from his emotional system, which is able to perceive the external influence of the Holy Spirit.
Human analyses allow him to assess the apparent interest of using his emotional system to respect or turn away from the precepts written in his genes by his Creator, which is not necessarily the case in animals.
The use by humans of the personalization of this logic in their brain, can thus lead them to assimilate two situations as similar and influence them towards actions outside the proper management of their genetics, taking the name of "sins", given their capacities to perceive the divine dimension. The repressive tutor placed by God on the sole logic of training, or even taming, then possesses a more or less severe punitive right, not according to his good will, because God is master of the limits to be granted to him, but in part, however, as long as he stands within these limits.
As we said in the previous chapter, if since Jesus Christ the human can be endowed with two different logics, they are both called to maintain him on the respect of his genetics. If the logic under tutelage is based on the values of egocentric love, restrained by fear, resulting in a mode of action, reward/punishment, that of the Holy Spirit has as a reference the divine Love for his neighbor, bringing to the subject a perception of peace, in front of what he considers to be fair and balanced. If the influence prior to any act is therefore of different value for each of these logics, the one under tutelage of which homo sapiens was gifted with, to confine his instincts to the values of his genetics, did not have to provide him with comparative feedback between the result of his acts and the reference that would have constituted his genetics written by his Creator, since it was this spiritual tutor who was in charge of it. The subject could not have taken this into account, because of his only egocentric love, but more particularly, because his comparisons would have been examined by two systems of identical nature, which already constituted the emotional programming of his actions in his brain and the logic of the same nature in his "heart". Instead of going back to a direct questioning perceived from his heart, in relation to what his brain had produced, the feedback of his errors must to the contrary go back to this tutor. In case of misuse of his emotional system by the person concerned, leading him to bad actions, this "spiritual tutor" would then have repressive rights, leading the subject's analyses to the fear of further repression. His past bad experiences would not then make a change to the foundation of his emotional system, but bring a learning to his only analyzes, in order to make him respect his genetic vocation. It is still the same for us today in this logic under tutelage, apart from the capacity of perception of the Holy Spirit, which can influence our learning towards respect for divine teaching.
It is these only differences, which distinguish us from those we have called homos sapiens to differentiate them from us, even if the majority of us derive very little reference from this capacity of perception of the Holy Spirit, especially in the male sex and we will come back to this. Only the teaching then takes on the value of a guide and if we often believe we manage our conscience according to God, the need for learning is proof that there is only a very small difference between us and homo sapiens before Adam and Eve. As long as we are only endowed with logic under tutelage, only the attraction to get closer to God through the perception of the external presence of the Holy Spirit is the initial difference, because it can already be perceived by the fetus, but not enough to generate a real awareness and really impact the egocentric love of logic under tutelage. This is to say that what we must learn to channel from birth is not really our conscience, but rather our instincts created by this logic under tutelage. Without the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the "heart," this conscience is accessible to us only through the Holy Spirit perceptible outwardly to ourselves, as was the case for Adam and Eve. The only advantage we have over our ancestors, made famous by their disobedience to the Lord God, is this external impact of the Holy Spirit, which the human fetus has therefore perceived since then, unlike them who were probably born under the only animal dimension of homo sapiens, before to be called out by God in the Garden of Eden.
This possibility of perception of the Holy Spirit, added to the teaching, made thus the human responsible for the misuse of his genetics, because it still brings him today a certain desire to bring him closer to his Creator, without providing him with the real comparative of value with his genetics, since the logic under guardianship. This possibility of perception stays, however, more or less significant depending on the subject and the teaching received, but also more or less precise, until sometimes becoming very ambivalent.
This ambivalence is not due to the human himself, but to the logic under tutelage, since it is not it that brings the desire for respect for the divine law, but the Holy Spirit perceived externally to this logic, while logic itself brings only the fear of the rebuke of unjust desires, in case of non-respect of the learning received. The excesses of carnal desires of the human, having to be repressed by this tutor, bring always so easily this ambivalence between the desires of the divine presence, themselves combated by the fear of repression, which leads to confusion between this tutor and God our Creator, in the implementation of his rules and precepts.
Contrary to this logic under tutelage, the Holy Spirit in the "heart" is divinely given to bring to the person concerned, a capacity for self-management of his actions, through the proper use of his genetics, because it is itself conceived from the Holy Spirit and therefore brings different functionalities, as we will see now.