The functioning mode through the domination of one's emotional system
4 - 3- The Holy Spirit brings a true comparative value with conscience
Human genetics possesses a permanent link between the neurons surrounding his "heart" and those of his brain, which allows him to bring feedback of his actions to the person concerned, so that he can establish an emotional comparison with the needs of this genetics. If this feature is therefore most important to be able to focus one's own emotional system on the values of one's genetics, a gap exists in the logic under tutelage, which was not designed to use this feature directly, since it was designed to manage supervised instinct, as we have just seen in the previous paragraph. This functionality is in that case only indirectly accessible through the use of learning of the concerned person, which on the one hand, considerably limits individual emotional development, and on the other hand, does not allow him to have access to it properly at all times, to manage his reflex actions. Through learning, these capacities of emotional comparison, in relation to its genetics, are indeed placed in brain analyzes of the brain, through which the decision-making circuit does not pass in case of reflex actions, which we will discuss again and that the diagram in the appendix brings out.
Where the logic under tutelage only allows the supervision of this tutor, the perception of the Holy Spirit transmits this information between the "heart" of the person and his brain, and vice versa. This is why the baptism of the Holy Spirit takes us out of Satan's supervision within sight of perfect self-management, even if in these present times, the vagueness of the programming in the brain, must be covered by Christ's work on the Cross. The logic of the Holy Spirit being much easier to differentiate from other emotions, than the logic under tutelage, this then makes a huge difference for the person concerned, because the programming of action in his brain can then be compared to a corrective value and no longer identical from his "heart", with regard to the prior choice of his actions. This is just as true in relation to the feedback of the confusions between his good and that of God, allowing him a real examination of conscience, subsequently to his actions.
If what we call examination of "conscience" therefore exists in both logics today, it does not really relate to the same emotional data in one as in the other and this is what we must look at with the greatest attention.
As long as the human is endowed only with logic under tutelage, the capacity for emotional perceptions is indeed affected by the fact that the Holy Spirit, felt externally to logic itself, is perceived by a "sensory organ" which we will discuss again in chapter 5. It is from this organ that emerge the sensory perceptions linked to this constructive logic, as well as those of the Holy Spirit. As long as it is endowed only with logic under tutelage, this organ thus becomes the bearer of both the desire for the divine by the Holy Spirit and the fear of repression by logic under guardianship. This leads the person concerned to a certain ambivalence and to encompass this perception of the Holy Spirit in his only learning, in the way instinct allows, making it difficult for his brain to synthesize the logic of training itself and the Holy Spirit.
This learning thus becomes his only ability to compare between the programming generating his actions, themselves carried out from the logic under tutelage and the perceptions related to the same logic in his "heart". In his examination of conscience, he then looks only at the correction brought by his emotional quotient, managed or not, according to the learning received, to produce an action estimated just by him, comparing two identical basic systems, of which only learning brings a possible difference. This does not in any way bring out the emotional error in relation to genetics, which the Holy Spirit could want to bring by his divine nature.
Contrary to this low comparative capacity, in such circumstances, the "logic" of the Holy Spirit from the "heart" brings in fact, a comparative difference between the emotional system and genetics, which is no longer only related to learning, but also to the perception that the brain feels of the Holy Spirit from his "heart", whose nature brings the values of divine Love, which is conforms to the conscience in his genetics.
This does not mean that the person will not be able to confuse his love with divine Love, since his synthesis is then influenced by its analyzes as well as the programming to be used to produce any form of action, but if this person has persevered in learning to differentiate between his own emotions and that of the Holy Spirit, he can go so far as to become aware of the key to his confusions between the divine Truth and his own truths. The information coming from the Holy Spirit in his "heart", being of divine nature, gives him further guidance in this direction, there where the logic under tutelage incites to the self-protection and all its carnal ramifications. This is the reason why in the logic under tutelage the Holy Spirit, which is barely perceptible at the level of the heart, is considered more as coming from the analyzes of the brain, by the teaching received (biblically the soul, consisting of the analyses and feelings programmed in adolescence) and not from the "heart". The limits of initial egocentrism are then corrected only to the extent to which the analyses give reason to the learning of the divine values received in childhood and leaves the subject before his simple desires to respect acquired values, Christian or not.
This is a difference just as fundamental as the difference between egocentric love and divine love, because logic under tutelage deprives humans of what could lead them to a real examination of conscience and obedience to God.
That's right the source of many errors and very great presumptions of truth, for if we can easily understand this development, whether or not we are baptized with the Holy Spirit, the teaching received can lead to accentuating our emotional quotient towards our only programmed actions and making it a divine objective, where Christ would lead us to rewrite this programming. If this emotional quotient is there to correct existing programming, it does not mean that the person who has received the Holy Spirit will apply the correct correction value, for otherwise it would be ignoring everyone's free will to follow, or not, the information of the Holy Spirit or that of his analyses and teaching. This is why Jesus covers all sin by grace, while trying to bring to the person concerned the right understanding towards the acceptance of this correction. If this understanding of the person concerned becomes so important, it is in order to avoid to his analyses, to silence the information coming from the Holy Spirit from his "heart", in favor of his only programmed capacities of action, impossible to circumvent, whereas they were realized in the language of logic under tutelage.
These capacities of programmed actions are those to which it is easiest to give reason, through carnal presumptions, then confused with faith. This is why it is so important to learn to remain attentive to the Holy Spirit at all times, in all places and in all circumstances, to differentiate at best, the emotions related to the Holy Spirit, of those relating to our entire emotional system. The Holy Spirit can then become our perfect Friend and lead us to act by faith, in respect of the divine will, towards the vocation that God wishes for us.
Throughout the long period preceding Adam and Eve, called "innocence", recorded biblically by a few words that clearly demonstrate its existence, homo sapiens could not benefit in any way from all this comparative information and feedback from the Holy Spirit, even externally to himself. The fact that the Lord God thus had forbade at Adam and Eve this specific knowledge of conscience, was entirely related to this "logic", which could only bring them a simple learning of the rules related to the instinct, and not all this comparative information allowing them to orient their good with precision, like requires the conscience to be well managed.
Lucifer's rebellion thus took humanity hostage through the temptation in which he himself led Adam and Eve, to disobedience to God, so as not to be set aside from his repressive rights, on the whole of humanity. He fooled them by trying to make them master this conscience by means of a logic written in an egocentric language, not in conformity with conscience and devoid of more, the whole of the functionalities between the brain and the "heart", essential to its good management. Adam and Eve, not even endowed with the basics of the Holy Spirit, which the human of today can possibly and very partially feel before his birth, allowed themselves to be led by covetousness to become superior through this new "knowledge". Because they were still equipped with an unsuitable logic, God had protected them from it by prohibition, and this is why the whole of the humanity became rebellious to its Creator.
This humanity followed thus this tutor who became Satan, the repressive liar, and it is what placed every human being under the belonging of the one who was doomed to disappear, contrary to the call of each one to eternal life, through his progression towards a mode of operation highlighting divine Love.
The absence of the functionalities essential to the proper self-management of his conscience by the adult, is perhaps where the greatest slavery imposed by Satan on humanity is located. In his good will, everyone tries to make the best use of what he has as a means of action at his disposal and to which he also learns to give intellectual reason to what he possibly perceives of the Holy Spirit. His good will to seek divine Love, through his analyses, based on his only capacities of actions programmed in egocentric love, compared to his learning, easily lead him to a synthesis contrary to the divine will, without being able to really become aware of the reasons of the lack of positive results that it suffers. If he then enters into an examination of conscience, his brain unwittingly compares the only learning he has agreed with and the energy that his emotional quotient uses to produce what he considers to be the right action, without being able to perceive the key information of his confusions with divine references in his genetics.
On account of the fact that, as long as the human being don't possess the proper "logic" of the Holy Spirit, he cannot properly receive comparative feedback between his "heart" and his brain, according to his genetics, he either feels guilty for his bad results, or fights against God's commandments, or imposes them on others in his own way. He then places himself as a victim of God and those who follow him, to the point of making them both responsible for his difficulties, despite his perseverance and his eventual good will.
The disobedience of Adam and Eve, effectively placed humanity in belonging to this guardian, from which it must now leave, and must therefore want to use its free will to take charge of what this tutor before God, was called to bring as repressive part on homo sapiens. This is the indispensable reconciliation with our Creator, which corresponds to the commitment of a good conscience before God, and in the first instance, allows Jesus Christ to initialize our heart with His divine logic, in what bears the common noun of new birth. This is so in Jesus Christ, because he was the only one who could fulfill the law given by God to Moses and no love can be pleasing to God on any other value than this Law.
If through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, Jesus makes us free from Satan's tutelage, it is not to abolish the Law given by God to Moses, but to cover our sins, starting with our original sin. This original sin is then no longer the sin that we have described as being the one that forces us to misuse our genetics, but the one that remains obligatorily present in the programmed elements of our brain, to allow us to act. It is the programming in the language of egocentric love, linked to our emotions generated before our birth, which therefore keeps us no longer under this spiritual tutelage, but in the same mode of operation as the existing programming.
These programming, carried out at the time of birth, seal the mode of operation by domination, consecutive to that of the initial logic, because any other teaching of childhood is acquired to bring a corrective effect to the first cerebral base, in order to facilitate its adaptability to its context of life. Any teaching received in childhood is thus encompassed in a better management of the initial egocentric love. Whether the learning comes from the Holy Spirit felt externally to the human or whether it comes from the baptism of the Holy Spirit received during childhood, any corrective learning of the initial structure, can only be managed by a mode of functioning by domination of his emotional system. It then remains for the person concerned to make the correction towards the Love of others, by the influence of the emotional quotient, biblically called self-control.
In case of baptism of the Holy Spirit during childhood, the Holy Spirit perceived from the "heart", certainly influences the programming of adolescence, eventually making it very similar to divine Love, which in this case leads the person concerned to an emotional quotient practically zero to obtain a result approaching his interpretation of divine Love in adulthood. However, this does not prevent him to use an operating mode by domination the programming of adolescence, because it itself is globalized to correct the basic action and not the nature of it. On the other hand, this can lead the person concerned to make less of a difference between what is native to his teaching or from the Holy Spirit in him, which can then make more difficult to him, the phase that we will look at in the next chapter.
When Jesus initializes our "heart" with his divine logic of the Holy Spirit, if he thus covers the sins, we repent of for being outside of God's Word, he also covers any future original sin, related to Satan's initial membership and the management of our instincts alone. If we then keep faith in Him, where we sinned by default, that allows us to overcome our fears to follow the Spirit of God, thanks to the peace that the Holy Spirit provides on our emotional quotient and where we sin by excess of presumptions, the divine presence, coming from the same Holy Spirit, allows us to apply a better correction to bad programming. In either case, if we remain attentive to the Holy Spirit, in repentance of our own errors, the resulting act becomes closer to divine Love.
This is the first stage that we described in the previous chapter, during which it remains essential to best dominate the programming that does not conform to true divine Love in our brain, in order to produce an action as closest as possible to the divine nature.