The evolution of the human emotional system through the ages
9 – 2 Where do we come from?
In summary of what we have just observed throughout our reading, and with the complement we have just skimmed over, it seems fair to say that it is because of a misinterpreted banality, that a large part of humanity confused the evolution of the emotional system with that of genetics, and that many humans turned away from the Eternal God. This lack of differentiation generated a certain ambivalence with ancestral Christian teaching, which failed to separate what God placed in us through genetics, from the evolutionary spiritual base, generating our emotional system. It is this spiritual basis that defines the nature of this emotional system, which is essential to produce actions adapted to the context lived in this genetic and many were those who never recovered from it in our democracies, whether they were servants of God or simple laymen. Today, this leads the new generations either to take an idolatrous side for God, with all the excesses that go with it, or to fight his existence through the same excesses, or to assimilate all religions with each other, in a more or less tolerant humanism, in a more or less tolerant humanism, without perceive from them the very essence of God, which is the Holy Spirit.
If this is so, it is not because the new generations are worse than those who preceded them, but because they are themselves in a search for an understanding of the divine in each one, without any reliable and comprehensible lair in their eyes, in relation to the evolution proposed by God to man. These new generations then fall into all the traps conveyed by both social networks and repressive fundamentalism, in order to obtain a human superiority allowing them to better dominate their life context and allowing them to ensure their own survival, without excluding their offspring. This is accentuated by the good will of each one to make good use of his own presumptions, whereas today the Eternal God wants to endow the human being with his divine Nature, to which no one can access by himself, in order to bring life in abundance to each and all, in the real and just balance of the word of God.
We are all descendants of Adam and Eve, and all possess the same origin, but where we go depends on our choice. Either we are pleasing to the Lord God in Jesus Christ, endowed with the Holy Spirit to progress toward His divine nature, or we are pleasing to the Antichrist, in the presumption that we can achieve a better result than Adam and Eve, with the same ill-fitting equipment. We then use its ancestral repressive system to better make the divine part that is our genetics coexist with the animal part that is nevertheless destined to disappear, although it is still housed in a more or less total part of our emotional system. Voluntarily or involuntarily, we then crush those to whom we are most attached, the better to protect them from those we fear and all that is attached to them.
In this, whether or not we are baptized with the Holy Spirit, we continue to manage as best we can the remaining part of our emotional system, created by the animal spiritual basis, without being able to escape from Satan's tutelage other than through the "covering" offered by Jesus' work on the Cross.
If this was the perfect dimension offered before, in order to resist this tutelage, God now wants us to come out of it completely, no longer only covered by the work of Christ on the Cross, but renewed in the dimension of the Wife.
This is why it is important to know where humanity comes from, so as not to fight ourselves against God, by pretending to already possess what God now wants to offer to humanity, in order to allow it to enter into the divine nature.
Stage 1 – Pre-Adam and Eve homo sapiens and its "good animal repressive system"
To lead a pack of dogs, in the use we want to make of them, we do not get down on all fours to bite the most recalcitrant, but if we train them all, we use the most dominant of them to lead the others, according to the repressive method specific to them. This is the image of the spiritual guardianship used by the Eternal God, our Creator, towards homo sapiens in its strictly animal nature. This is why, during this period of several hundred thousand years, preceding the time of Adam and Eve, the emotional system, still animal of homo sapiens, did not receive any direct spiritual influence from the divine presence, but only that of the "angel" called Lucifer, appointed by God as a repressive spiritual tutor over others.
This good progression of animal nature on earth lasted until the moment when the emotional system of this homo sapiens was itself able to surpass that of its spiritual tutor, through its nascent sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, inaccessible to this tutor in its position of angel, coming from the same nature as homo sapiens, since already in the heavens.
In order not to lose what he considered to be eternal rights over homo sapiens, he influenced them in a repressive function in the name of God, towards each other, through the simple logic under tutelage which they were endowed, where God wished to communicate to them the “logic” of the Holy Spirit, allowing them a voluntary respect for their own genetics, in place of the simple nascent perception of the Holy Spirit in them. This is why God called this homo sapiens “man”, because he was made in the nascent image of God in him, unlike Lucifer who took the name of Satan, the liar.
God then took Satan off guard, and rather than using those who were the most dominant over others, he used those who were most sensitive to the Holy Spirit, to generate the evolution of the animal emotional system, towards that of a divine nature, of which we are witnesses in our democracies.
The excessive demonization of this fallen angel, or the ridicule which is sometimes granted to him, reinforces the presumptions of each person, on the fact of having become superior to him, while this superiority only exists to the extent to which we find ourselves in Christ. This is also why current international situations are there to awaken our lucidity, on the need for a more efficient emotional system, made in the image of Jesus, by his Holy Spirit, and with which humans will already be equipped, of his divine Nature at his birth, during the millennium, the seventh day of God.
Stage 2 – The Gestation of Mankind during the Old Testament
If we compare the perception of the Holy Spirit by man with the creation of his body, we find the first part of the Old Testament, corresponding to the embryonic state, and the second part to the fetal state, after his coming out of Egypt and the dispensation of the law by Moses.
In order to make the future human being victorious over the external context that he will encounter after birth, the fetus perceives it only through a vague interpretation of his nascent emotional system, and the same was true of the perception of the Holy Spirit throughout the Old Testament. During this entire period, of about four thousand years, humans were only able to perceive and interpret the dimension of the Holy Spirit in a way that was external to their initial instincts, because functionality, which is essential for the proper self-management of consciousness, was absent from their emotional construction. This perception was therefore only very faintly perceptible to the most sensitive, so that their analyses could synthesize it with their experience and guide the less sensitive to this perception in the right direction.
If, therefore, in the person of Adam and Eve, man disobeys God out of ignorance, even though he bears responsibility for his actions, the real culprit is the one who incited him to do so. He knew that the logic on which he had been placed by God, as a tutor on the instincts of homo sapiens alone, would deprive humans of the functionality most indispensable to the knowledge of good and evil, defined by the consciousness that God places in the genes of every human.
Therefore, after having chosen the Hebrew people, who were undoubtedly most capable of preserving intact the witness lived in the close presence of the Eternal God, our Creator manifested himself to man through this people, in situations that were supernatural in his eyes. These made it possible to open their understanding, to the good synthesis of the merits of following the directives and precepts, which guided humans in the prefiguration of what they were going to experience and which we find in spiritual confirmations even today.
One of the most glaring prefiguration was certainly that of the protection that God gave to his people, to save them from the exterminating angel, when they came out of slavery in Egypt, which prefigured the victory of Jesus on the Cross, over the fallen angel named Satan.
If for this people there followed a long period in the desert, it served the dispensation of the divine law given by God to Moses, so that each one might learn to use self-control to dominate his emotional system in a good way, and to produce actions as conform as possible to his conscience in his genes.
From generation to generation, man had to learn to dominate what the still animal system had created emotionally in him, with all the errors of correction that related to it, starting with the idolatry of those considered the greatest, raised to the level of kings in the place of God, to govern them. The whole of the Old Testament thus brought to the human emotional system an awareness of the impact of the divine presence, which the fetus, male or female, always perceives differently of each other in the womb of its mother, so that the sum of their individual specificities allows them to ensure their self-defense according to the precepts of God, in order to overcome their environment.
In their too good will to serve God, or in their misunderstanding of the divine will, some, more presumptuous than others in serving God well, allowed themselves to be influenced by Satan to grant himself the rights of life and death in the name of God over their fellowmen, but in this he did a work that deceived him. If he abused the presumption of knowledge of the religious of the Sanhedrin in order to have Jesus crucified on the Cross, he was in fact signing his spiritual death warrant, thanks to obedience to God until death on the Cross, of the one who was himself born of the Holy Spirit from his mother's womb.
The Eternal God then raised him from the dead as a prefiguration of what he offers us spiritually through a "New Birth" in his divine nature at the level of the heart, which also highlights what lies ahead for us, if we grant ourselves the same rights as the Sanhedrin, in the attributions reserved for this fallen angel. It is in this respect that everyone has all the analytical capacities today, if they grant themselves, at the name of God, the same animal repressive right, on the carriers of the same genetics as themselves. These repressive rights are not only found at the physical level, for they begin with the condemnation of those whose actions and motives seem reprehensible to us in the eyes of God, without ever becoming the advocates of them, as God asks in Jesus.
The Lord God thus brought to mankind both the example of duty and the path to his divine nature.
Stage 3 – The Childhood of Mankind and the New Testament, up to the Restoration of Israel in 1948
Here again, the whole period is broken down into two stages, during which we find that of early childhood and that of childhood before puberty.
From a civilizational point of view, we can consider these periods of roughly equal duration, about a thousand years, given the maximum decline in the perception of the Holy Spirit in favor of idolatry, in a descent into hell that more or less trapped all Christian populations. Some Antichrists emerged from certain of this populations, preaching the nature and the divine will, through the only repressive mode of this fallen angel, while others granted the divine birth to those whom they placed above them to govern them, of whom the most idolatrous among the movements of the time, went so far as to grant them the divine nature and therefore, unable to sin. This period preceded the gradual ascent, towards a more or less led balance of God in Jesus Christ, according to the nations considered and the perception of the Holy Spirit by the most upright among them.
The fundamental difference was that the sincere servant of God in Jesus Christ was able to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit in his "heart" at the adult age, and fulfill towards the rest of the population, the role that the Ark of the Covenant had played for the Hebrews. These servants were thus, outside the tutelage of Satan, by the “covering” of Jesus, which brought them a much more precise design of the divine will, from their “heart”, if their integrity of the moment was to serve God in Jesus Christ and not themselves. As a result, the layman was able to take into account the Holy Spirit, mainly through his learning in childhood, in order to be able to act in adulthood, according to his teaching. This produced societal/religious consensuses, which caused some societies to evolve more than others, towards a perception and obedience to the Holy Spirit, from which the most idolatrous structures of what on earth represented God in their eyes were almost entirely detached.
The impact of the Holy Spirit on the least idolatrous nations made them progress towards a desire for fairness towards everyone, while the most idolatrous were increasingly trapped in Satan's repressive system, so that he can use them one day to destroy the democratic society that Jesus would take twenty centuries to build.
This was all the easier for him because, while the emotional system of God's servants in the church was normally renewed in the divine nature at the level of the "heart," the mind and feelings in their brains were still nothing more than a desert of divine Love, which their brains had learned to correct at times, to an apparent perfection, while others were only simulating it. This was not always the case because of their bad motivations, but because of the time in which they lived and during which collective experiences did not already allow the rewriting of feelings and the mind, as is the case today.
This left a lot of room for misinterpretations of the divine will, through an emotional system based on self-centered love, that must always be dominated in order to obtain actions considered according to God. The most emotionally structured humans according to the divine rules could experience it as a personal fulfillment of this will, to have to impose on their ignorant, fellow humans through the intermediary of the strongest, but this was not often the case of the unfortunate people, sometimes mistreated in the name of God, by religious people no more just than the Sanhedrin has been towards Jesus, or the tsars towards their people.
The balance achieved collectively remained precarious, since it was the result of an egocentric love corrected as best as possible, but it has had the merit of generating the restoration of Israel, no longer on the values of those of the Hebrews east of the Jordan, but on a value identical to that obtained in Canaan, which had served as the basis for Jesus' Victory on the Cross.
Unlike the Old Testament, the New Testament allowed the human emotional system to progress significantly until 1948, since some humans, previously born under Satan's tutelage, were able to receive the divine dimension of the Holy Spirit at the "heart" level. Over the centuries, this perception experienced internally at the level of the emotional system of the most honest human beings, made it possible to significantly improve the correction to be made by the emotional quotient, to produce actions with a more precise image of the divine will. and to communicate it to a large part of humanity.
It corresponds to the spiritual fulfillment by this humanity of what had been brought the process of the Hebrews' coming out of the wilderness under the leadership of Moses during the Old Testament.
Stage 4 – The Puberty of Humanity, from 1948 to 1968
If puberty is a period before adolescence, during which the pre-adolescent begins to question the validity of his childhood learning, the same was true for humanity. In democracies, there was an awareness of the injustice produced by societal/religious consensuses, although these were fairly well respected by the first generation after the restoration of Israel.
This transitional period corresponds to the establishment of the two and a half tribes east of the Jordan by Moses, on part of the current kingdom of Jordan, and therefore made it possible to consolidate just as much the values of yesterday's Canaan, brought by the church, as the rebirth of Israel on these same democratic values. The men of fighting age, which these tribes brought in support of those having to progress towards holiness in Canaan, served in this way to foreshadow the support for the values provided by the church, which our democratic societies must preserve today, despite their change in way of functioning in the conquest of their Canaan, which constitutes divine Love.
As it was when the Hebrew people came out of the desert, the collective emotional did not evolve during this period and remained a desert of divine Love corrected at best by the emotional quotient of each one, guided by the Holy Spirit from the "heart", of the most upright servants of God.
The end of this period is perhaps the most notable generational phenomenon, since it ended with what already appeared at that time as a validation by God of Israel's restoration, through the Six-Day War. We find in it the same divine validation, as in the capture of Jericho after the crossing of the Jordan by the Hebrews, through which the Eternal God demonstrated to His people the fundamental importance of remaining individually in the observance of the ordinances and precepts of the Eternal God, in order to collectively maintain His support.
If the Six-Day War thus marked a new Jericho, it marked above all the orientation towards a new type of combat, through the need for the elimination of individual error, necessary for the good collective result. If in the Old Testament this example was set physically by the elimination of the person producing the error, it foreshadowed the spiritual result that each one would have to achieve on his own fortresses built in animal spirituality, to be eliminated with God's help, in the next phase.
It is in this respect that the world phenomenon of 1967 and 1968 that followed, without any direct human influence being its driving force, is there to demonstrate today how much the Eternal God was the coordinator of it, even if the enemy of our souls was trying to use all the means at his disposal, to discredit the civilizational work acquired by Jesus on the Cross. If, since then, this world movement has often been perceived as a generational degeneration, produced only by the enemy of our souls, it is undeniable that it corresponded to what will be as becoming indispensable in the next stage, if we know how to look at it in the way we have described it.
Because the human being had done all his part, despite the desert of divine Love in the ordering elements of his brain, Jesus from heaven was going to be able to bring to the one who remained faithful to him, the part of divine nature missing at his emotional system, to make him of integrity even more. However, this not will be doing without a change in the way each person does function his emotional system, and therefore the learning to no longer dominate it in the old way, to be able to manage according to God what he himself was going to bring in his own nature to humans.
The Lord God had until then led humans to do their full part, through societal/religious consensus, in order to resist Satan, and the lifting of this consensus in democracies now offers everyone the opportunity to overcome the NATURE of this tutelage, with the help of Christ, both in one's "heart" and in heaven, in order to work toward the crown of the Holy Spirit, promised to the Church of Philadelphia in Revelation Three.