The evolution of the human emotional system through the ages
9 – 4 Where are we going?
Stage 6 – The Post-Adolescence and Coming of Age of Mankind, Satan Is Bound for 1000 Years and Jesus Reigns on Earth and in Heaven
If, after the great crisis of adolescence, the human brain takes several more years to finish structuring itself, before reaching adulthood at about 25 years old, the same will undoubtedly be true of the millennium to come, with Jesus’s reigning on earth and in heaven.
If the Eternal Lord God will be on his seventh day, the day of his rest, it is because he will no longer have to judge between the claims of Satan's repressive system and that of human evolution, each of which leads to excesses not covered by the work of Jesus on the Cross. If the dimension of each person's errors will have already largely regressed, everything will not already be perfect, as we can already foresee, if we look at the different idolatrous situations arising from the Judeo-Christian civilizations, to which will then be added what will remain from spiritualities of a carnal nature.
Fortunately for humans, God never puts before him a step that is insurmountable and after these undoubtedly very difficult times to come, other times will open up to the continuity of this progression of all of humanity. towards its divine objective.
What will considerably differentiate the emotional system of humans then, with that available to humans today, will be due to the fact that they will already be endowed with the Holy Spirit from their birth, as was the case with Jesus. However, we must not believe that humans will already be in the dimension of perfect respect for their genetics, and for the word of God, as Jesus was, because this would be to give very little interest to the civilizational context, which is just as essential as the good individual motivation of each one with integrity. Otherwise, it would be to draw the conclusion that every societal system generates an identical result, whereas we have just demonstrated the opposite.
This is why the one who will have become the "Wife" and no longer “the Church”, in its societal whole, will be called to provide the favorable context, according to a structure adapted to the individual needs of each one, which will undoubtedly have evolved as much as the individual emotional system. The latter brings a divine basis in the brain of the human at birth and no longer animal as it is today, so it will be his feelings, born of his childhood learning, that will come to orient the good initial base, towards a bad use. What learning teaches us to dominate well, in order to become according to God today, will lead tomorrow to no longer dominate the initial basis in order to remain according to God.
This is what generates our difficulties today, due to failure to correctly dominate our emotional system to obtain an imprecise image of good according to God, which will have become our strength among the nations. The whole of the “Bride of Christ”, progressing in the divine nature, will always be superior to the previous animal nature, if the human of tomorrow remains more attached to communion with Christ, than to trusting in the beast of Artificial Intelligence.
Whether or not this "beast" has survived the difficult times to come, it is its use by the less upright that is to be feared today and which tomorrow must be managed with the perfect integrity of an iron "rod", guided by the Lord God in Jesus Christ.
This is also why perfect democracy will undoubtedly be inaccessible to humans as long as they confuse their sincerity with divine integrity, as is the case today. Governments of this type remain, however, absolutely essential to be able to enter individually into the divine nature, and this is why, despite all their current imperfections, they remain covered by the work of Jesus on the Cross.
In this day and age, as it was in the times of Jesus, it is still the most violent who try to falsely seize the authority of God, to conquer as many kingdoms on earth as possible. However, it is not this violence that Jesus wants us to express, but that which he manifested, to remain obedient to God until death on the Cross. This is also why, in whatever form "Jesus returns", he will certainly return to defend the most honest, to the great dismay of the most violent towards their fellow men, because if he did not shorten these days to come, no one would be saved.
There will then no longer be either man or woman emotionally in the couple, with complementary vocations, linked to the individual specificities of each. It is these individual specificities, essential to the evolution of animal nature towards divine nature, which have caused so much damage since Adam and Eve. This will make mutual incomprehension disappear, and will naturally unite families, when both have remained faithful to the Holy Spirit, in communion with God in Jesus Christ.
The humans of tomorrow will thus continue the work undertaken by the humans of today, until one day they collectively acquire this marvelous dimension of the Temple of the Holy Spirit in the entire emotional system of all humanity, and that is why the best is ahead of us, despite the difficulties which will not be lacking.
Stage 7 – The Test of Temptation to Disobedience to God Leads to Human Maturity and the Kingdom of the Priests on Earth
This era will perhaps see some of the harbingers of the “Return of Jesus”, expected for today by many, only come true in these distant days. If the end of our world, in its more or less animal dimension, is very close, this does not mean that its way of functioning will have completely disappeared from all of humanity, when it enters the coming millennium.
This implies that at the end of it, these residual animal parts will have to be eliminated, so that nothing harmful remains for the entry of humanity into what we today call "the Kingdom of the Priests" that Jesus is preparing for God his Father. Every human being will have become perfectly human, thanks to the Victory of Jesus' Sacrifice on the Cross, and it is in this way that all will have been priests and will be able to give glory to the one who voluntarily made this Sacrifice for them, in total trust in our Creator and God of Love.
If it is not up to us to consider the circumstances which will bring about the entry into the millennium of tomorrow, it is not up to us to define those linked to this distant era. What seems obvious, however, in view of the progression of our emotional system, is that the emotional residues of an animal nature will be of an even more seductive nature than what we have to overcome today can be primitive, through theocratic systems, claiming to be a follower of the word of God, where they manifest the opposite attitude.
Once again, therefore, it will be in the Eternal Lord God in Jesus Christ that everyone will have to trust, for if many circumstances will have changed, He will have remained the same and no doubt human as well. Many detractors of the world to come have often brought us the image of humans becoming robots, all made on the same model, to dissuade us from trusting in God, but it is on the contrary very probable that evolution of the human emotional system, has produced one of the most harmonious societies there is, among all those we can imagine and hope for.
Others will have received the revelation and described his vocation, but one thing is certain, and that is that all those who will have participated in it will have received their reward, if only through the happiness of life, that their descendants will be able to experience, for God is the Eternal, the "I am", the one who is, who was, and who is to come.
To Him be all the glory forever and ever: Amen!